STRIP hair transplantation

STRIP, also referred to as FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is one of the hair transplantation methods performed in our clinic. In the case of this method, a large donor area is required. In any event, the choice of treatment depends on many individual factors of the patient and is selected by a medical specialist based on a detailed interview and an examination of the hair. Therefore, your doctor will tell you whether you are eligible for this treatment and whether it will give you the best results.



STRIP hair transplantation is performed in outpatient conditions, usually under local anaesthesia. However, its success and effects depend on the accuracy and experience of the doctor. Be sure to put yourself in the hands of a qualified professional. The procedure involves harvesting a donor strip from an area of non-balding scalp at the back or sides of the head – the hair units in these areas are permanent and are not affected by dehydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone responsible for inhibiting hair growth by shrinking hair follicles. This means that hair grafts are a permanent material and the transplant will not be influenced by this hormone.

Then the doctor and his assistants divide the extracted strip into small pieces – so called follicular units (grafts). The grafts may vary in size and contain one, two, three, and sometimes four single hairs. For the next step, the doctor prepares the recipient area of the head, which consists of microincisions of the skin where the grafts will be grafted.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of grafts, usually – with the number of 1000 grafts, the procedure lasts about 2-3 hours; in the case of 1500 grafts about 3-4 hours. With over 2000 grafts, the procedure can take about 5-6 hours. Transplanted hair goes through the healing phase usually within two to three months of the procedure. After this period, hair starts growing at the same rate as normal hair. The average growth is about 1-1.5 cm per month.


It’s important to know that the full effect is visible after 6 months. Falling out of transplanted hair is a natural process – hair follicles are transplanted, not the hair. The hair itself has to regrow. Three months after the procedure, new hair starts to appear, usually growing 1-1.5 cm per month.

The STRIP method can be supplemented with the FUE method that will help cover the scars after the first transplantation.


Week 1: Gentle cleansing of the head, removal of dressings, possible oedema and bruising; recommended gentle washing of the head without wiping.

Week 2: First washing of your hair under the shower after 10 days, natural loss of transplanted hair.

Week 3: Removal of stitches after 14 days. First hair treatment at an experienced hairdresser.

Month 3 after transplantation: Transplanted hair starts to regrow, but the final results will be visible after 3 consecutive months.


  • highly effectiveness of the method

  • support of qualified professionals, the experience of more than 16,000 transplantations

  • treatment tailored to your needs; in our clinic, we use many techniques to support the recovery process

Time of surgery:

3-6 hours





Ask our expert about details. Schedule an appointment with our plastic surgeon.

+48 61 833 08 81