Katarzyna, 20 years old

Problem: Poland syndrome, large asymmetry and breast droop
Treatment: breast plastic surgery with implants

I had large but very asymmetrical and drooping breasts. I applied to the clinic to lift and align them with implants. Dr Samir was recommended to me by a friend. She was very pleased with the results of the surgery she had performed in Mandala. Besides, I saw the results myself and I liked them very much. […] My circle of friends is very open and there is no problem with the use of plastic surgery.

‘Kasia came to me because of her birth asymmetry of breasts and the chest and incomplete formation of the right nipple (so-called Poland syndrome). This defect is characterized by underdevelopment or absence of the chest muscle (pectoralis) on one side of the body. In the case of Kasia, the left breast was twice as large as the right one. In addition, the patient developed breast drooping, probably due to changes in body weight. In such cases, three solutions are possible: lifting and reducing the left breast, lifting the left breast with the fat tissue transplantation to both breasts and lifting both breasts and enlarging them with implants of various sizes,’ Dr. Samir explained

Oksana, sales manager, 28 years old

Problem: Poland syndrome, large asymmetry and breast droop
Treatment: breast plastic surgery with implants

I’ve dreamed about improving my breasts for a long time, probably since I was 15 years old. I’m joking that I got everything from fate except cool tits 🙂 Some doctors refused to help me, claiming that they are not able to achieve the effect that I would like. So I started to look, read reviews, listened to friends who had this type of treatments. In the end I found out that it would either be Dr. Samir or no one else. And I succeeded. I remember that I took my husband with me for the consultation, to introduce him to the doctor who would treat me…

’Oksana is a beautiful young woman who is physically active despite suffering from scoliosis and chest deformity. Her breasts were asymmetrical with indentation in the area of the sternum typical for the Poland syndrome (right breast more than twice the size of the left). In addition, as a result of breast-feeding they began to droop. This is a difficult case, I am not surprised that some doctors refused to treat the patient. It’s hard to predict final results,’ comments Dr. Samir.

Does this story sound familiar? If you think you have a similar problem, do not wait!
Make an appointment with our specialist.

ADRIANNA 28 year old

Problem: mały biust, asymetria
Zabieg: Powiększenie piersi za pomocą implantów z rozmiaru miseczki A do D

Od zawsze byłam malutka, szczuplutka, no i miałam małe piersi. W dodatku od kiedy zaczęłam intensywnie ćwiczyć na siłowni 6 lat temu, stały się jeszcze mniejsze. Ponieważ w większości pracuję za granicą, mogłam odłożyć trochę pieniędzy. Zdecydowałam się je wydać właśnie na zabieg powiększenia biustu za pomocą implantów.

Jak wspominam zabieg? Prawdę mówiąc, spodziewałam się większego bólu. Dobrze znosiłam okres pooperacyjny. Może dlatego, że dużo ćwiczyłam wcześniej. Na początku czułam ucisk, jakby jakiś grubas siedział mi na klatce piersiowej:). Przez pierwsze dwa tygodnie miałam trochę problemów ze wstawaniem, ale potem zaczęłam wracać do normalnego życia. Jeśli chodzi o rekonwalescencję, to wykonywałam masaże według zaleceń lekarskich. I to wszystko.

Ta historia brzmi znajomo? Jeśli uważasz, że masz podobny problem, nie czekaj!
Umów się na konsultację z naszym specjalistą.

KLAUDIA, flight attendant, age 21

Problem: great fluctuations in weight, lack of effects of applied diet and exercise, and small lower jaw

Procedure: Vaser Lipo liposuction, fat autograft: breast and buttocks
The weight fluctuations had a very bad effect on my appearance. Unfortunately, exercises did not help, diets helped a little, but for a short time, because I had a ruined metabolism.

So I started reading about what I could do and found information on Vaser Lipo. I learned that it allows for: rapid regeneration of the body, the possibility of transplanting fat anywhere and no pain, which was confirmed. I checked who does this type of treatment best and has the most experience. It turned out that Dr Samir trained in the United States and was a pupil of the creator of this method himself. I thought this would be the best choice. Having sucked out and autografted the fat to the breasts and buttocks; the next procedure was to correct the chin… I suffered from underdevelopment of this part of the face. The chin was concave, forming a ‘bird’s’ profile. It always bothered me. At first, fat was sucked from the jaw, but the results were not satisfactory, so together with my doctor, we decided to put an additional small implant. This may sound controversial, but thanks to plastic surgery my life has changed for the better. I became confident, open, social.

This story sounds familiar? If you think you have a similar problem, do not wait!

Schedule an appointment with our expert.

MONIKA, mum and a model, age 28

Problem: small, asymmetrical, falling breasts
Procedure: breast plastic surgery with implants
Recovery time: one weekń

I came to Mandala by chance. After pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding I lost weight, my body changed and my breasts became asymmetrical. I was already scheduled for a breast augmentation procedure at another clinic, but I started talking about it with my colleague at work. She recommended Dr Samir Ibrahim. Of course, there is no better advertisement than to see the live effect: beautiful, proportionate, perfect breasts. I was not sure if it was natural or artificial! The decision did not take long.

Shortly thereafter I underwent a breast enlargement procedure in Mandala, and then also modelling of the abdomen and buttocks by VASER LIPO to improve the proportions of the whole body. I am very happy with the results. Now I encourage my friends, also from my professional circle!

This story sounds familiar? If you think you have a similar problem, do not wait!

Schedule an appointment with our expert.

MARIA, patient & doctor

Problem: asymmetrical, disfigured breasts
Procedure: a lift surgery with an implant combined with breast modelling along with the complex treatment of the areola and nipple
Recovery time: several weeks

After many years of being significantly overweight, I went through a process of very drastic weight loss without the supervision physicians and dieticians. It left a mark on my appearance: significantly stretched skin lacking firmness, numerous stretch marks, and above all, asymmetrical and disfigured breasts. One day I just got up and felt that I really wanted to change their image. I realized that, like other women, I wanted to enjoy the beautiful shape of my breasts, I wanted to enjoy wearing underwear (in the past I could only buy underwear that would cover all the imperfections, not the kind I dreamed of) or certain clothes, for example showing my back or going strapless, which I had to deny myself because of the need to wear an ‘iron’ bra that would lift my breasts significantly and give them an acceptable shape. I immediately called Natalia from Mandala Beauty Clinic and arranged to consult Dr Samir Ibrahim. I made the decision within one minute!

This story sounds familiar? If you think you have a similar problem, do not wait!

Schedule an appointment with our expert.

Anna, translator, 33 years old, mum of two kids

Problem: breast atrophy and chest asymmetry
Treatment: breast plastic surgery using implants

After the birth of children and breastfeeding – more than 2.5 years in total – my breasts got smaller and became asymmetrical. Maybe it was not visible at first glance, but I did not feel good about myself. I decided to do something about it. Mandala was recommended to me by a trustworthy person. I made the decision about the procedure earlier, so the first visit was a pure formality.

As for recovery, a lot depends on the attitude. I do not have time to think about what hurts me. I quickly returned to work. I also jokingly say that after two children nothing is scary :).

This story sounds familiar? If you think you have a similar problem, do not wait!

Schedule an appointment with our expert.