Breast augmentation (implants)

Since you are here, we have important news for you: you are not alone. Studies show that as many as 70% of women do not feel fully satisfied with their breasts, especially the size (International Journal of Sexual Health). Therefore, the most often performed correction is its augmentation.

How it’s done

Currently, we have two methods of breast augmentation: through a placement of implants (above or below the muscle) and by fat transfer, i.e. injection of the patient’s fat tissue taken from another part of the body (Vaser Lipo). The former method is still the most popular and it’s been the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedure in the world for many years. The decision on the placement of the implant, the type of implant (filler, brand), the shape (so-called profile) and incision options (along with the areolar edge, the fold under the breast and in the armpit) is made in consultation with your plastic surgeon. Find out how our breast augmentation experts work.


At Mandala Beauty Clinic we make every effort to meet the expectations of the patient from the interview stage all the way through to the best solutions to suit individual needs. The purpose of breast augmentation may be to correct the shape, resize or correct asymmetry – in each case the most important factor is the satisfaction of the patient by achieving an aesthetic, proportional figure. We will, therefore, advise you on which size and shape will work best for your particular figure so that the result looks natural, rather than overdone or artificial.

Traditional insertion of implants is the most popular, but not the only method of breast augmentation. Another method is the use of a natural substance which is your own fat tissue taken from other parts of your body. Take a look at the innovative Vaser Hi Definition Liposculpture 3&4D.



Breast augmentation procedure is performed with a general anaesthesia; most patients return to work after 7-14 days. What can you expect and what sensations are associated with recovery? Read about it from the perspective of the doctor and patient.

First days after the procedure:

– fatigue and pain relieved by appropriate means
– a noticeable pressure in the chest
2 weeks after the procedure:
- minimized physical activity to avoid hematoma

6-8 weeks after the procedure:
– still avoiding particularly strenuous activities
– swelling, impression that your breasts are raised (they will fit in place after recovery), respectively
– numbness in the areolar edge and nipple – passes along with swelling
– special breast massage (training provided in the clinic) to keep the breast soft


  • popular, safe method
  • a good choice for women after pregnancy, a procedure often performed together with traditional breast lifting

Time of surgery:

60-120 min




21 days, 3 check-up visits

Ask a specialist! Schedule an appointment with our plastic surgeo

+48 61 833 08 81